JourneyApps Product Team
Notice Runtime

Updates to Mapbox APIs that affect apps on older runtime versions

AUTHOR: JourneyApps Product Team

The capture-coordinates UI component (as well as the gps component in v3 syntax apps) uses a Mapbox static tiles API that has been deprecated and stopped working recently. Customers running v3 and v4 apps prior to runtime version 4.74 will be impacted as detailed below. Runtime versions newer than 4.74 use the new supported API.

Please update any apps relying on rendering the maps with a newer Runtime version.

There are some small visual changes:



Common questions:

What if I don’t update my app?

The behavior will be similar to when the user is offline, but blank white squares will be rendered instead of the map:

GPS coordinate capturing itself is unaffected; only the map rendering is affected.

My application is on an old runtime version, and I cannot update it to the latest runtime at this time. What do I do?

One option is to just hide the map, using: hide-if = "true"

What about apps that don't have a set runtime version?

It's best to upgrade now to a managed runtime version. Alternatively, use the hide-if workaround above.

What about v3 containers?

V3 containers are affected in the same way, and no update will be released. See the hide-if workaround above.

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