JourneyApps Product Team

Runtime 4.90.4 (Latest Stable)

AUTHOR: JourneyApps Product Team

We are excited to announce that Runtime version 4.90.4 has been released.

Version 4.90 introduces View Templates: Now developers can define view XML as a standalone template, and reference it across views. What this means for developers:

  • Less code duplication across views.

  • Easier to maintain complex views, by breaking up the view XML into smaller snippets in templates.

  • Can introduce a better separation of concerns - a set of view components can be grouped into distinct templates.

Runtime version 4.90 additionally includes several smaller improvements and additions. Find the full changelog below.

You can use this version of the runtime by selecting it from the list of stable runtime versions under App Settings/Runtime Version in OXIDE.



  • You can now use attachment variables/fields with images to populate icons in your apps. For example:

<!-- main.view.xml -->
<var name="my_icon" type="attachment" media="image/png" />

<button label="Click me!" icon="{my_icon}" on-press="$:doSomething()"/>
  • edit-select in an object-table now supports passing the $object parameter to the options function attribute. This allows for generating dynamic options based on the specified object (table row).


  • A regression where sidebar would render blank when viewed on mobile devices

  • An issue where an object-list component with an action caused the entire view or dialog body to not get rendered.



  • A regression where the dialog component's validation would throw an error.

  • A regression where list-items do not properly register when a template literal is present in the value attribute.

  • A memory leak caused by layer rendering.

  • The "Select language" sidebar item displaying, even when no additional languages are available for the app.

  • button label alignment not being correctly applied if the label spans multiple lines.



  • UI components inside a dialog body triggering validation on the entire view, instead of just on dialog.

  • object-table display cells having inconsistent padding.

  • The captureMedia() method for capture-photo incorrectly throwing an "Invalid source" error.



  • A regression with the sidebar component's on-press function not being parsed correctly.

  • A regression where transform-value parameters threw an error with a null value.

  • An issue with the NFC API interface.



  • View Templates, enabling developers to define a view XML template definition (template-def), and use it with the template component on views in their app. Learn how to use them here.

  • Support for registering a shortcut (using the shortcut UI component or ShortcutManager in JS/TS) for the RealWear action button (with shortcut key button:rw_actionbutton).

  • Support for the application/vnd.valvelink mime type to upload .exp files as Attachments.


  • Underlying improvements to the object-table styling mechanism. This has no UI updates, but worth keeping an eye out for any edge cases or regressions on heavily-styled tables.

  • TypeScript: As part of runtime-build version 2.4.5: When importing App Modules in a view, named imports are now possible, e.g. import { myFunction } from="~/lib/mylib"

Questions / Feedback

Please share any questions or feedback about the features in Runtime version 4.90 via or the developer forum. We'd love to hear from you.

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