JourneyApps Product Team

Runtime 4.89.17 (Latest Stable)

AUTHOR: JourneyApps Product Team

We are excited to announce that runtime version 4.89.17 stable has been released.

Runtime version 4.89 adds support for deep links to open apps on a specific view. This improves usability for app users by reducing the number of steps to get to the right place in the app. Additionally, $object or $selection can now be passed as arguments to functions - resolving an inconsistency that previously caused a lot of confusion. There are several other smaller enhancements and improvements - find out more in the Changelog below.

You can use this version of the runtime by selecting it from the list of stable runtime versions under App Settings/Runtime Version in OXIDE.


This release introduces a number of quality-of-life improvements:


  • New Attachment.url() method to check if an attachment has been uploaded and is available on the backend. This will return the backend URL of the attachment or null if the attachment has not been uploaded (or the user is offline).

  • Expanded the options of the label-case attribute to include title-case and sentence-case.

  • New style-section-case attribute for the navigation UI component (navigation drawer) to allow setting the letter case of navigation section labels.

  • Support to auto-resize the text-input UI component (when bound to the text:paragraph variable) to match the content height.

  • edit-typeahead cells now also support the clear-icon attribute.

  • Advanced styling support for the edit-typeahead cell's action as well as on parent component. Includes setting the icon-color, label-color, and label-case.

  • Advanced styling support for the capture-file, capture-signature and capture-photo UI components buttons such as the button-color and button-text-color.

  • Ability to set the label-color of a list-item's pill.

  • Ability to style the checkbox on the edit-boolean cell as well as the object-table parent component.

  • Advanced styling support for checkboxes on toggle and multiple-choice-checklist such as setting the checkbox-color and checkbox-size.

  • Additional button styling options for journey.dialog, namely: labelCapitalization, textColor, icon, iconColor, style.


  • If the button-group global theme is set in config.json the button-groups inside dialog components will now also use those attribute values unless locally overridden.

  • Internal dialogs such as the Leave app and App update dialogs will also fall back to using the global theme.


  • A regression where validation callouts on object-table cells would no longer render.

  • An issue where the object-dropdown UI components would not auto-focus the searchbar when opened on Desktop/Web.



  • An issue where paginating wasn't possible when a filter was applied on an object-table column.

  • null values in object-table date cells being inferred as Text data type, which caused column filters to render the incorrect filter UI (e.g. Text instead of Date).

  • An issue where data: urls could not be used in network requests such as fetch().



  • A regression that caused object-table callouts to no longer function correctly.

    • Note that for correct linting in OXIDE, make sure your app's runtime-build version is 2.3.2 or above.



  • An issue where calendar days in the date picker could sometimes be offset in locales other than English/EN.



  • An issue that prevented users from scrolling in an overflowing fullscreen object-table.

  • State changes to object-table (e.g. paging) causing other states to be changed (e.g. fullscreen being exited).

  • Double left and right padding on display object-table cells.

  • view.getSize() throwing an error after live app updates during development.



  • Added checks so that the initial view variable resolution for parameters that require a transform-value function does not throw an error.

  • Added checks to catch Cannot read properties of null (reading '$ref') errors.



  • A regression that resulted in users not being able to scroll through a view, after scrolling through an object-table on Desktop.

  • An issue that would sometimes cause buttons on an object-table to not render.

  • A UI issue where selection dropdown boxes' background color would render as the same color as its text.



  • A regression introduced in Runtime version 4.89.3 that caused view parameters transform-value attribute to break.

  • Dropdown components not being set as the active component when the dropdown dialog was opened. This caused a bug where the view or dialog would scroll to the previously selected dropdown upon selecting an option.

  • A bug where an object-table showed double headers when scrolling on iOS.

  • An issue that would sometimes cause buttons on an object-table to not render.




  • An issue where action icons in object-table columns prevented the action on-press function from being called.

  • An issue where the capture- and display-coordinate components would throw an error upon loading.

  • A bug where using an object-table inside a dialog on a small screen would cause constant and rapid collapsing and expanding.



  • Added improvements that should catch most click-through issues on mobile devices. These occurred when clicking inside a component such as actionSheet, dialog and context-menu, triggered a different component behind it.


  • A regression where the sort-value attribute of an object-table column threw an error when using $object.

  • An issue with the power-bi component causing the on-interaction action to fail.

  • An issue causing a race-condition with the map component affecting the capture- and display-coordinates components.

  • The font-size attribute being ignored on certain input components

  • ActionSheet popup not being positioned correctly when called from a button-group click.



  • Removed the unused searchbar at the top of the object-table filter modal used on mobile devices.

  • Added a search icon to the filter inputs on the object-table filter modal.


  • A memory leak caused by primary buttons and button-groups.

  • The following issues with the object-table UI component:

    • Table button-group and pagination controls not collapsing on smaller screens.

    • Table pagination controls overflowing off-screen. These controls will now render in smaller iterations based on the screen size.

    • Incorrect sorting on columns where no sort-value had been provided.

    • A regression where a table's action icon did not render as expected.

    • An issue affecting iOS, where clicking on a dialog also triggered a click on object-table actions rendered behind the dialog.

    • button height being calculated without accounting for the border, resulting in buttons being slightly too large.



A number of issues with the object-table UI component:

  • Allowing a user to interact with an object-table even when set to be hidden.

  • Theme and padding on an object-table when there are no results to be displayed.

  • Disabled edit- cells not having clear-icon padding.

  • Removed excess padding between edit- cells and their clear-icon.

  • Removed excess padding around edit-boolean cells with icons set on a column.



  • Support for custom image asset icons on floating action button button-group and navigation general-section items.


  • View errors related to UI components are now shown on the affected component instead of in an error dialog.


  • An issue where locked users would not get navigated back to the login screen. This also caused the no enrolled user error when the container was re-opened.

  • An issue where the ActionSheet popup did not show at the click location when called from a card or list component.

  • An issue where an object-table in fullscreen mode would render over its label.

  • Input dialogs (e.g. from BarcodeScanner) missing the bottom padding between the input and the button container.

  • An issue where disabling a floating action button button-group would not disable a child button as expected.

  • An issue where a primary button would not render on the main view after a code update was applied.

  • An issue where a hidden primary button-group created whitespace at the bottom of the screen.



  • An issue where clicking on an object-dropdown while an input was focused would show the list dialog but still have the input focused and the keyboard open on mobile.

  • An issue where the object-dropdown component's empty-message was not center aligned.

  • An issue where users could not select the last item in a dropdown list (e.g. object-dropdown, optionList).

  • An issue where position and alignment attributes relating to icons and labels would not resolve correctly. The issue affected card, list, info, info-table and various input and display- components.

  • An issue where the PDF previewer (in the capture-file / display-file components) would always render in portrait even if the pdf was in landscape.

  • An issue where the toggle component would throw an error when disabled.

  • An issue where long-pressing the back button or floating action button would trigger too early.

  • An issue where long-pressing a floating action button would sometimes throw an error.


  • Long-pressing on a disabled button will now show the disabled-message if one has been set.



  • A regression with view initialization, which would cause the view parameters to be undefined.

  • A number of issues with object-table, namely:

    • Component method setState() not setting fullscreen correctly.

    • Double clicking into an edit-text cell will now remain in edit mode.

    • The on-change event not triggering on mobile devices.

  • An issue with the navigation drawer's background color not applying the style-header-background attribute.

  • An issue with object-dropdown and optionList dialogs preventing users from accessing the last item on some mobile devices.

  • An issue causing the on-long-press action of the back button to not work correctly.



  • The sub-item-divider-padding-horizontal attribute to the navigation UI component to override a navigation item's left and right padding.


  • A regression with date and datetime display values not being formatted correctly.

  • An issue preventing the view from reloading when navigating to the same view.

  • An issue where the navigation component's logo would not update until navigating to a new view.

  • An issue with the section-icon-color and item-divider-color attributes of the navigation component not being applied to collapsable navigation items.



  • A regression with layout UI components, namely columns and grid, that caused nested hidden components to trigger validation.

  • A visual regression with object-table pagination controls overflowing on narrow layouts.

  • An issue where edit-number cells did not add clear icons for 0 values.

  • An issue with object-dropdown dialogs where an option would be selected after scrolling on mobile.

  • An issue where the html UI component would show a scrollbar unexpectedly, specifically on Windows.

  • Right-to-left support for pagination controls in an object-table.



  • Support for deep links to open apps on a specific view. See the docs here.

  • New transform-value attribute on a view parameter that takes a function, which runs before a view’s init() function. This allows developers to set or transform view parameters from the parameters received from the deep link (since deep link parameters are strings). Learn more in the docs here.

  • The required attribute on a view parameter, to mark parameters as required or optional.

  • The show-search and show-pagination attributes to paginated object-table and list components to show/hide the search box and pagination buttons independently.

    • See reference docs for the object-table component here.

    • See reference docs for the list component here.

  • The clear-button-visibility, clear-icon, clear-icon-color, clear-icon-hover-color and clear-icon-active-color advanced attributes to input components and editable columns in an object-table.


  • $object, $selection or $value can now be passed as arguments to functions. Before, functions typically supported only one of these arguments, and the distinction of when to use which wasn’t clear. Now, a developer can always use any of these arguments ($object, $selection, or $value) in these functions.

  • actionSheet default padding for option items has been adjusted so that it better indicates scrollability.


  • Issues with touch- and long-press event listeners resulting in double-click events.

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