- JourneyApps Product Team
Runtime 4.81
We are excited to announce that runtime version 4.81 stable has been released.
It includes updates to scan-barcode, and includes a new way to trigger text-input dialogs from the JS/TS.
You can use this version of the runtime by selecting it from the list of stable runtime versions under App Settings/Runtime Version in OXIDE.
Issues related to view-state that were caused by rapidly triggering back on device back buttons.
We've reduced the memory usage of photos in list. This helps prevent white screen out of memory issues on iOS, especially when list and multiple photo capture are used together.
An issue with list's aspect ratio when displaying photo thumbnails.
Visual issues with object-dropdown, including its search bar in dark mode and its icon alignment.
An issue with display-file for PDF's zooming and scaling for low-resolution PDFs.
Issues in object-table, including "NaN filters" and selection issues on iOS devices.
Developers can now specify the photo resolution for multiple-photo-capture.
An issue with dialog scrolling on iOS while the keyboard is open.
An issue with the scroll gestures to zoom media such as is displayed in display-photo and display-signature.
App memory usage has been improved for various UI components, including navigation, context-menu, and object-table.
The scan-barcode UI component has been updated visually, and developers can now trigger the component from JS/TS using journey.hardware.scanBarcode() without specifying an XML component in the view.
Developers can easily trigger dialogs with a text-input (and more) from JS/TS using journey.dialog.xxx without specifying an XML component in the view.
Calling component.xxx from a view's init() or resume() will work more consistently than before.
Please note that button v1 + v2 and object-table v1 + v2 are no longer supported as of this runtime version. Apps will automatically use the latest versions of button and object-table irrespective of whether the app feature flag has been enabled.
This version was retracted. Please use version 4.81.1.