- JourneyApps Product Team
Runtime 4.77
We are excited to announce that runtime version 4.77 stable has been released.
You can use this version of the runtime by selecting it from the list of stable runtime versions under App Settings/Runtime Version in OXIDE.
An issue where actionSheet would be positioned incorrectly when triggered from a static list-item.
single-choice-dropdown now correctly indicates its validation error when used inside a dialog.
A regression with icon alignment in object-table.
A regression with single-choice-radio that incorrectly handled values when bound to an integer variable.
A regression on text-input, where text:paragraph and text:address fields would not be correctly capitalized on mobile keyboards.
An issue where show-if and hide-if would not hide card components in the view.
An issue where on-long-press would not close consecutive dialogs.
An issue with dialog not validating all its children components.
A regression on text-input, where text:name fields would not be correctly capitalized on mobile keyboards.
A regression where the hardware back buttons (Android) would break the app on Action sheets and Dialogs.
Support for in and not in query operators. E.g.:
var users = DB.user.where('name in ?', ['user','Another user']);
Generate a PDF from HTML on the desktop JourneyApps Container.
Better .explain() output for app queries to help with performance analysis (only apps with the JSON1 app flag enabled).
Faster lookups of related objects via .include() with OnlineDB.
The info UI component has been refreshed, adding support for align-text.
The display-signature and capture-signature UI components have been updated visually.
Improved stack traces for TypeScript apps.
Issue where the confirmation dialog was displayed behind splash screen when the app updated.
Issue where the dialog component would attempt to validate all its child components although they were hidden.
Issue with some Portuguese translations.
Issue where re-registering the same callback on the html component would throw an exception.