- JourneyApps Product Team
Permanent shutdown and discontinuation of Rails brokers and portals on 31 December 2025
We are announcing the permanent shutdown and discontinuation of support for all legacy Rails brokers and portals, managed and hosted by JourneyApps, effective 31 December 2025.
Historically it was necessary to build custom web portals and integration brokers outside of the core JourneyApps platform and in some specific cases JourneyApps built, managed and hosted these projects. This was before the introduction of CloudCode and the addition of desktop and web as supported platforms.
How do I know if I am using a custom Rails broker or portal? If you don't know then the answer is most likely that you are not using a custom rails broker or portal, but if you are unsure then please contact us via JourneyApps Support.
What actions should I take?
For custom brokers - We recommend migrating all integrations workflows to CloudCode, which provides a more robust and scalable way to handle these tasks.
For custom portals - We recommend migrating all custom portal functionality to the JourneyApps platform, i.e. adding the functionality to your application, and then providing desktop or web access to existing portal users.
If you need assistance transitioning from a custom Rails broker or portal, please contact us via JourneyApps Support.