JourneyApps Product Team
Admin Portal

Improved workflow to integrate your apps with GitHub

AUTHOR: JourneyApps Product Team

We have streamlined the workflow to integrate your apps with GitHub!

These updates include a new tab in the admin portal for your organization's Integrations. When selecting GitHub as the git provider for your app, an integration between JourneyApps and GitHub is required. These integrations are now explicitly configured and listed for your JourneyApps organization.

Other noteworthy updates include:

1. Going forward a JourneyApps organization needs to be linked to a GitHub organization only once, and the integration can then easily be used by developers within the JourneyApps organization when creating new apps. Previously each developer needed to authorize GitHub to either create or access an existing integration when they created a GitHub-linked app.

2. Developers have more visibility into what integrations are configured and more control on adding/removing those integrations per JourneyApps organization.

You can find step-by-step details on how to set up a GitHub integrated app in our developer docs.

Please note: For existing GitHub integrations, organization owners need to accept a new Read-only access to Members permission for the journeyapps-platform app per GitHub organization where this app is installed. This is needed to perform security checks when installing the app into a new organization. Owners should receive email notifications from GitHub in this regard.

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